• Božidara Petranovića 1, Zadar
  • Telefon: +385 (0)23/551-175
  • E-mail: info@icua.hr

Project results

Project Result 1 (PR1) – New innovative training course on underwater archaeological sites for cultural operators

Leading organisation: International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar

A new training course on the enhancement of underwater archaeological sites will be developed in order to address the needs of cultural and tourist operators. The course is intended to improve the knowledge in sectors useful to foster the valorisation of the underwater cultural heritage and for the development of tourism linked to underwater archaeology. Targeted groups to be addressed by the U-Mar Training Course are: cultural and tourist operators; and students studying archaeology, underwater cultural heritage, and tourism.

The Training course will be made of both written and audio/video materials and it will be uploaded on the E-Learning Platform realized within the project. The knowledge of the English language is a prerequisite for working in cultural and tourism sectors related to underwater archaeology. The course will therefore be presented in English, in order to be equally transferred in all European countries. The new and innovative UMAR Training course encompasses together all competences and expertise of project partners in order to address the shortcomings of existing training courses and with the aim of creating professional figures who actively contribute to the development of the tourism linked with underwater archaeology.

Project results

Project Result 2 (PR2) – U-Mar E-learning platform for Operators and Tourists

Leading organisation: Fundacion Cei.Mar

U-Mar E-learning platform will serve as a step forward in the provision of training opportunities for cultural and tourist operators dealing with underwater archaeology.

Within the platform, cultural and tourist operators will not only have access to the New Training course but also to other training opportunities in Europe related to underwater archaeology and cultural heritage enhancement and promotion. Moreover, the platform will meet the needs for tourists to have accessible and easy information on the existing sites and with the way how these sites have been combined with other tourist offers in the territories involved. The Platform will be translated into each partner’s language in order to be easily accessible and understandable to all potential tourists.

Project results

Project Result 3 (PR3) – Interpretation / Learning Centres on Underwater Archaeology

Leading organisation: La Rotta dei Fenici`

The final result will be the creation of Interpretation Centres along the Phoenician’s route. This project result responds to the need to enhance and promote cultural heritage and the need to educate tourists and European citizens in general on the underwater cultural heritage. The future interpretation centres specifically focused on the underwater archaeological heritage will be an innovation in cultural knowledge framework and a first step for enhancement of underwater archaeological heritage through the education of European citizens. The associated partners will make available locations at disposal of the project for the realization of the centres. Most of them will be realized in public spaces, thus making them sustainable over time. Interpretation Centres materials will be in English and will be translated in the language of the country where each centre will be set up. The partners will create learning pathways on the basis of the specific characteristics of the territories in which they are set up.

Project results
Project results
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The project of the renovation of the complex of the former st. Nicolas church and monastery, and website development was co-funded by European Union from European Regional Development Fund.
Content of this webiste is sole liability of International Centre for Underwater Archaeology.
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